Saturday, May 14, 2011

Keluar surat khabar

Saya dah agak dah ramai yang kena tipu macam saya (baca di sini). Kelmarin keluar suratkhabar The Star;

Manager loses RM4,200 with just one mouse click

KUALA LUMPUR: Accounts manager Chua Ming Choo opened a message in her e-mail informing her that there was some irregular activity occurring in her account.
The e-mail told her to click a link to her bank’s website to update her particulars for safer online banking.
Less than five minutes later, the simple mouse click cost her RM4,200.
Chua, 35, from Port Dickson, said she received the e-mail last Thursday.
Missing money: Wen Shan (left) and Chua (right) showing their police reports to MCA’s Chong (second from right) and Negri Sembilan councillor Datuk Dr King Lim yesterday.
She added that about two minutes after she clicked on the bank’s website, she received an SMS requesting a Transaction Authorisation Code (TAC) number.
Chua realised that something could have happened to her account and she called her bank to inform them about it.
“They told me they would block my account and I was told to change my e-pin number,” she told a press conference at the MCA Public Services and Comp­laints Department here yesterday.
Chua said she then went to the nearest ATM to check her account and discovered the money missing even though she did not key in her TAC number on the website.
She lodged a police report on the same day.
Another victim, Chong Wen Shan, 24, from Teluk Intan, Perak, said he received an e-mail on May 1 informing him that his online services account was about to expire due to a database update on the bank’s system.
Chong said he was asked to update his particulars and being new to e-banking, he thought it was a normal procedure and clicked on the link.
He also keyed in his TAC number when asked and discovered that RM5,000 had gone missing from his account a few hours later.
Department head Datuk Michael Chong said the two cases were the first that he had received so far this year.
He asked Bank Negara and banks to be on alert for such scams.
“I do not rule out an inside job. Otherwise, how do these criminals know our personal details?” he added.


  1. salam...macam2 nak ...harap dapat tangkap dengan segera & dapat benteras hal ini

  2. ada banyak email serupa yg di terima.. semua di delete segera sebelum buka pun..

  3. Salam sonata. Harap-harap dapat segera ditangkap.

    Salam zino. Itulah yang sepatutnya dilakukan

  4. salam Kak..
    simpati dari saya..mencari rezeki
    bukan mudah..nak kena tipu sekejap
    sahaja..memang dasar "krook" orang hitam
    ni..agak pandai juga mereka mencipta link
    yang boleh terus ke akaun kita tanpa kita
    bagi password..

  5. ini mesti kerja orang yang tahu tentang akaun dia..

  6. Salam Zul. Itu namanya krook power!!

    Salam IM. Saya rasa pun gitu, mesti ada apa-apa ni hehe

  7. imigresen kena kurangkan kemasukan warga kunta kinte dari nigeria, dan africa yg datang utk belajar. kebanyakan mereka melakukan scam pebagai bentuk. perkara ini menjadi satu masalah besar di england dimana, selain dari scam dia bawaculture koboi, gang dan tembak menembak serta masalah moral spt jadi romeo..pada anak anak omputih, kononnya mereka sex god/(sbb batagndepa besaq/panjang sgt) etc..
    macam nila seteruk mana korupsi negara mereka begitulah setiap individual mereka... duit buat mereka jadi macam ni..

    baik yg islam atau yg bukan islam, cakap pasal ugama berdegang degong, part duit mereka kebas juag... hati hati..
    msia kalau tak hati hati silap haribulan mereka berkampong macam mereka buat di england.
    skrg sesak dgn mereka..
    jaga jaga lah.. tulis pada menteri luar dalametc, jgn beri mereka masuk.
    dulu ada persidangan dibuat oleh kementrian. ni kawan crita sbb dia handled vip etc. dilangkawai.. ni zaman tun masih pm kempen south south punya region.
    so mereka duduk kat hotel 5 bintang, mereka jadi binatang fridge tv semua dia sapu. ini adalah consider head of state dan some high up in the gov dtg for conference. so bank hantar bill pd jabatan dia..hahha top bosess pening kepala.. so hati hati lah ..

    banyak masalah kalau kunta kinta ni.. mereka nak free dan kaya cepat dan kuat benda tuh

    budaya gangster mka kuat dan suka merasuah juga...
    google la di akhbar di england..

  8. Assalamualaikum Kak Aida,

    "Selamat Hari Guru" Kak.
    Jasa dan baktimu sentiasa dihargai.

    Kita susah-susah cari duit,
    dia sedap-sedap rompak duit kita.
    Kalau kena tangkap ni hukum dia berat2.
